WooVina's Blog

WordPress Themes, Plugins Tutorials, News & Update, Discussions and much more...
Wednesday, 23 January 2019 11:37


Monday, 21 January 2019 07:00

How to Disable WordPress PHP Error Messages

WordPress has a built-in method of debugging that works great for developers. It offers a warning message detailing what file is at fault and what line to look at. However, this often looks terrible from a visitor perspective. It’s a WordPress error message that can easily dissuade people from coming back.

Friday, 18 January 2019 14:14

WooVina Preloader

Tuesday, 15 January 2019 09:50

WooVina: Easily-Customizable and Blazing Fast WooCommerce Theme

If you build WooCommerce WordPress sites with page builders, you've probably come across WooVina theme. In case you're not familiar with the WordPress page builder world, WooVina is a free WooCommerce WordPress theme that gives you a ton of control for customizing your site's design via the real-time WordPress Customizer. Not only that, it's also blazing fast!