WooVina's Blog

WordPress Themes, Plugins Tutorials, News & Update, Discussions and much more...
Thursday, 30 December 2021 13:48


Monday, 29 November 2021 11:16

How to Add Dark Mode to Your WordPress Website with These 4 Simple Steps

Given that we spend so much time in front of our screens nowadays, it's no surprise that the easier-on-the-eyes dark mode is growing in popularity and becoming more widely used by even the biggest websites out there.

Thursday, 25 November 2021 10:28

How You Can Make Fewer HTTP Queries to Increase Site Speed

Is your WordPress site slow in loading? It might be a result of too many HTTP queries. Reducing the number of HTTP queries in your WordPress site will go a long way to increasing site speed. Find out how you can do so below.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021 11:42

Heading Tags in WordPress: How to Use it Properly for SEO?

Headings can make or break the flow of your content. You also need heading tags to optimize your content in WordPress. Learn how to use them properly for SEO in this article!

Tuesday, 16 November 2021 15:20

How To Roll Back The Version Of WordPress Or Plugins

Stuck with a broken lagging WordPress website after an update? Ditch the tiresome manual rollback process with these plugins to return downgrading plugins, themes, and WP core to a previous version simple and get your website up & running again.