Friday, 22 October 2021 09:02

8 Best Free WordPress Themes for Writers

There are so many WordPress themes that you can choose from that it may be hard to even start going through all of those. We did our fair share of the job and have decided to make a comprehensive lift of those themes we think are the best. We tried to differentiate them as much as possible so that there is something for every taste.

 8 Best Free WordPress Themes for Writers

With the advent of WordPress, many creative people got a great chance to express themselves and make themselves heard. Having your blog nowadays is as common as having a Twitter account some 5-10 years ago - it is a must if you feel like you have something meaningful to say.

The State of Affairs With Worldwide Blogging

Unfortunately, the problem of overproduction that is present on all social media and pretty much in every aspect of life is present in the blog niche as well, so being smart with the styling and WordPress theme choice is more important than ever. Although blogs are as far from aesthetic as it gets (unless you write in the arts niche), being careful when choosing the appropriate theme can help you harness a little more of your prospective readership and make your message communicate better. How does a good theme help your WordPress blog?

The Right Theme for Your WordPress Blog

Choosing the best theme for your WordPress site can help you by:

  • Setting the audience in the right mood for your content,
  • Communicating in an implicit way,
  • Making the content stand out more,
  • Keeping more of your audience,
  • Making your message resonate stronger through increases in your readership.

For all these reasons, it is super important to choose the best WordPress theme. Choosing the theme does not only mean using the most popular theme there is, but it rather means choosing the theme that somehow reflects who you are and what you use your blog for.

For example, going with a greenish theme may signal to your audience that you are dealing with ecological topics, but if your take is to write about novel decarbonizing methods, in that case, another color may set the mood to that of expecting something out of the ordinary. Blue and gray would signal the futuristic approach, earthy colors would stand for tradition and the traditional, but white would make the text stand out the most. Which color or combination you would want to include would depend on your personal preference.

Font for Your WordPress Blog

The font is another important element, as it is one of the elements that are most prominent and most interacted with. Comic Sans is obviously out of the question, but other fonts can have a fairly good message to convey. Times New Roman would signal strength and traditional values but may be outdated for the most part. Arial is a great font: easy to read and economic in print. Calibri looks great, but may not be the best solution for smaller fonts and low-contrast backgrounds. Again, play around and see what works for you.

Images for Your WordPress Blog

Images are there to complement your story. Being careful with images can significantly improve the likelihood of a visitor being entertained to the point of staying longer on your website. Infographics and images of technology, schemes, and vectors are a great way to keep your audience engaged. Not only will they keep the attention of your readers for longer, but will also contribute to visits to your profile.

On the other hand, using stock photos can have exactly the opposite effect. Sure, you can get extremely well-looking photos and graphics on websites such as Unsplash, but if they are only loosely connected to your niche and the topic of your content, then the audience will have nothing to interact with and will not be likely to stay for too long.

There are many variables that come into play here. Choosing the best combo can sometimes take days and may still prove to be a failure, especially if you do not do good research and see what your audience would like the best. 

8 Best WordPress Themes for Writers

Here is our list of the best WordPress themes for Writers:

  1. Mallow – Responsive Magazine Theme,
  2. Lingonberry – Simple WordPress Theme,
  3. Audax – Long-form Writing WordPress Theme,
  4. Dansal WordPress Twenty Sixteen Child Theme,
  5. Integer – Single-Column Theme for Writers,
  6. Celsius Theme,
  7. Impose Theme For Bloggers, and
  8. Candor - Responsive WordPress Blog Theme.

Mallow – Responsive Magazine Theme

A theme that is advertised as a responsive Magazine Theme does exactly what it says. It is a classical theme with a lot of flexibility. The featured images are sure to draw your audience’s attention and a nice color palette is not too difficult on the eye.


Lingonberry – Simple WordPress Theme

This elegant theme displays your posts in a timeline fashion. Although many people may prefer relevance, this approach to post-presentation is sure to more evenly saturate your blogs with visits. It comes with Gutenberg support and is very easy to use and elegant.


Audax – Long-form Writing WordPress Theme

Probably the most professional and serious-looking, this theme is optimized for long-form blog posts or NYT-alike news posts. If you like to go hard on your ink, this is the theme for you. It loads very fast, it is customizable, and it will make for a great content platform.

Dansal WordPress Twenty Sixteen Child Theme

Dansal WordPress Twenty Sixteen Child Theme comes optimized for different devices and screen ratios. Although it seems to be made for children, it is actually perfect for long-form posts and blog posts. If you post a lot of content and do so regularly, this lightweight theme is the best choice for you.


Integer – Single-Column Theme for Writers

This single-column theme features a minimalistic approach to presenting your content. The pages are lightweight and streamlined, and they bring your content in the focus of the reader.


Celsius Theme

Celsius Theme features light tones and amazing typography. It makes your content stand out and is probably the most streamlined theme on our list of WP themes.


Impose Theme For Bloggers

The homepage of this theme lets you feature just a small number of blog posts and is the best way to present the content that you think will bring you the most engagement. It is a great choice for those for whom relevance matters the most and is a great solution to include in a multiple platform ecosystem.


Candor - Responsive WordPress Blog Theme

This customizable theme is SEO optimized and has a number of custom widgets that are easy to set up on your page. It is the best theme so far for very specialized content and is also one of the most popular. If you run a customized blog and are already behind the crucial ‘who is going to write my paper for me’ stage in your content production, go for this theme and watch your engagement grow. Do not overdo it with the widgets, though, too many of them can slow down your website significantly.


Final Considerations

While it may hold true that good content is hard to find, good content that is also presented well is even more difficult to find. Not every creative or content writer wants to start their YouTube profile and run a follow-up Instagram page, but choosing the visuals of your WordPress blog properly can make a big difference in your visits and engagement. If you happen to sell something, then the more, the merrier.

Nicole Garrison

Nicole Garrison hopes to one day open her own content writing agency. In the meantime, she tries to gather as much experience as she can by working for the best admission essay writing services. There is no better way to learn how to manage in a field but by working in it.

Read 2838 times Last modified on Saturday, 23 October 2021 08:23

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