
WooVina Shortcodes

1. [woovina_login] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display a login/logout link where you want:


Here is a list of the different parameters:

  • custom_url: If you want to add your own login url, default is the WordPress login url.
  • login_text: If you want to add your own login text, default is Login.
  • logout_text: If you want to add your own logout text, default is Log Out.
  • target: If you want to add your own target between self (same page) and blank (new tab), default is self.
  • logout_redirect: If you want to add your own logout redirect, to be redirected to the same page, add current, default is your home page.

For example, if you want to add your own login url and to be redirected to the same page when you logged out, insert this short code:

[woovina_login custom_url="your-site.com/login" logout_redirect="current"]

2. [woovina_date] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to add a dynamic date (a date who change automatically), useful for your copyright:


This will display the current year, so 2017.

If you want to display the year of creation of your site with the current year, here is the shortcode to insert:

[woovina_date year="2015"]

This will give 2015 - 2017.

3. [woovina_site_url] Shortcode

This shortcode is to display a link with the name of your site that sends on the home page:


You can add your own target between:

  • self: The link opens on the same page.
  • blank: The link opens in a new tab.
[woovina_site_url target="blank"]

4. [woovina_search] Shortcode

With this shortcode you can easily add a search form where you want:


Here is a list of the different parameters:

  • width
  • height
  • placeholder
  • btn_icon

For example, if you want to add your own width and change the default button icon, here is the shortcode to insert:

[woovina_search width="150" btn_icon="fa fa-search"]

5. [woovina_breadcrumb] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display the breadcrumb:


Here is a list of the different parameters:

  • class: If you want to add a custom class.
  • color: If you want to add your own color.
  • hover_color: If you want to add your own hover color for the breadcrumb links.

For example, if you want to add a custom class with a red color and black hover color, insert this shortcode:

[woovina_breadcrumb class="custom-class" color="#fe5252" hover_color="#222"]

6. [woovina_current_user] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display the current user info where you want:


Here is a list of the different parameters:

  • text: If you want to add a custom text, default is Welcome back.
  • display: It's the current user info you want to display, default is display_name.

List of the user info you can display:

  • user_login: Displays the username.
  • user_email: Displays the user email.
  • user_firstname: Displays the user first name.
  • user_lastname: Displays the user last name.

For example, if you want to change the text and display the user email:

[woovina_current_user text="Your email:" display="user_email"]

7. [woovina_woo_cart] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display a cart icon:


Here is a list of the different parameters:

  • class: If you want to add a custom class.
  • style: Choose between drop_down or custom_link, drop_down display the mini cart to the cart icon hover.
  • custom_link: If you want to add a custom link to the cart icon.
  • total: If you want to display the total of the cart.
  • cart_style: The style of the mini cart, choose between compact or spacious.
  • hide_if_empty: If you want to hide the cart icon if empty.
  • color: The color of the cart icon.
  • hover_color: The color of the cart icon on hover.
  • count_color: The color of the count inside the cart icon.
  • count_hover_color: The color of the count inside the cart icon on hover.

For example, if you want to add the cart total with a custom color, insert this shortcode:

[woovina_woo_cart total="true" color="#fe5252" hover_color="#222"]

8. [woovina_woo_cart_items] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display the items number of your WooCommerce cart:


9. [woovina_woo_total_cart] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display the WooCommerce total cart:


10. [ti_wishlist_products_counter] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display a wishlist icon where you want if you use the  TI WooCommerce Wishlist plugin:


11. [woovina_woo_free_shipping_left] Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to display the WooCommerce free shipping amount left:


Here is a list of the different parameters:

  • content: If you want to change the text by default, default is "Buy for %left_to_free% more and get free shipping", %left_to_free% is the amount left.
  • content_reached: If you want to change the text when the amount is reached, default is "You have Free delivery!".

For example, if you want the texts, insert this shortcode:

[woovina_woo_free_shipping_left content="%left_to_free% left to get free shipping" content_reached="You get free shipping."]